Laura k has done a great service through writing this bookthere is a huge potential audience out there that needs and deserves it. If i remember correctly, his higher power was simply trust in buddhist practice. On at least a monthly basis, read a spiritual book, attend a seminars or workshop, go on a weekend retreat, listen to spiritual teachings, attend a prayer session, do group meditation, do some yogaeven at. Under her real name, she is a wellknown buddhist teacher, a widelypublished author, and is active in the meditation and recovery communities. The 12step buddhist outlines a way to integrate buddhist teachings with traditional 12step recovery programs, applying buddhist teachings to addictions of all types. While ive never been through a 12step program, i have been meditating for 8 years. Read the big book and twelve steps and twelve traditions. Pdf 12 steps on buddha s path download full pdf book download. More importantly, littlejohn emphasizes the importance of following the 12 steps, incorporating both the steps and the practice of.
Buddhism and the 12 step model of recovery soberrecovery. This connection is the gateway into integrating the two systems. We were inspired by the meditation in recovery group at san francisco zen center, which in turn rests upon the awakening of countless beings going all the way back to the buddha. A buddhist goes through the twelve steps to find god within. I, first viewed this book in 1997, and i highly recommend this book for anyone. One breath, twelve steps audiobook by kevin griffin. This is a very wise and practical book that transcends both buddhism and the 12 steps. Other talks are from individuals who participated in, or who. Using the buddhist idea of attachment as a key insight into addiction, littlejohn correlates the 12 steps of recovery programs with buddhist ideas and practices, drawing from both zen and tibetan traditions. Enhance recovery from any addiction by littlejohn, darren isbn. One breath at a time presents potent ancient techniques for finding. Buddhism and the 12 steps by kevin griffin, mindful recovery by thomas bien, and the zen of recovery by mel ash.
Merging buddhist mindfulness practices with the twelve step program, this updated edition of the bestselling recovery guide one breath at a time will inspire and enlighten you to live a better, healthier life. Came to believe that a power other than self could restore us to wholeness. That was followed in 2009 by darren littlejohns wellknown work, the 12step buddhist. Needless to say this book provides a more realistic portrayal of addiction and buddhist practice. The book takes us on a journey through the steps, examining critical twelve step ideas like powerlessness, higher power, and moral inventory through the lens of buddhism. The author, who has also studied psychology and research methods, has most definitely been there. Jul 03, 20 he is the author of this book that can enhance recovery from any addiction. Kevin griffin buddhism and recovery author and speaker. Drug and alcohol addiction is a huge source of suffering for many, and buddhist teachings address the causes of suffering headon. Jul 12, 2019 both the 12 steps and buddhism are practices that deal with addiction and craving as the cause of our suffering and prescribe proven methods of recovery. Meditation teacher and author griffin discovered that his buddhist practice deepened as a result of the 12step. Anyone seeking to understand recovery from a buddhist perspective will find it to be a trustworthy and illuminating guide.
The 12 step buddhist integrate buddhism and 12step. It is sure to appeal to anyone touched by addiction, including those looking for new ways to understand and work with the triedandtrue 12step system. A buddhists insight into the 12 steps of recovery the 12. Formats in which the twelve steps and twelve traditions can be read. The 12 steps in the book are reinterpreted as dealing with work on the following principles at each step. This book breaks down the 12 steps in a way that helped me prepare myself for working them more readily. It is sure to appeal to anyone touched by addiction, including those looking for new ways to understand and work with the tried and true 12 step system. A buddhists insight into the 12 steps of recovery step one. This book is a powerful and enriching synthesis of the 12step recovery programs and the noble eightfold path of buddhism. Griffins personal path to addiction recovery and how integrating buddhism and the twelve steps allowed him to become at peace with himself. We admitted our addictive craving over alcohol, and recognized its consequences in our lives. In the familiar territory of the 12 steps i began to enjoy this book and became more open to his techniques. Buddhist thought holds that craving leads to suffering the second noble truth. Pdf 12 steps on buddha s path download full pdf book.
Buddha and the 12 steps by kevin griffin healyourlife. The original program is highly influenced by a christian buddhist 12 steps read more. Buddhism and the twelve steps, the breakthrough book that established him as a leader in the mindful recovery movement. The 12 step buddhist does an excellent job identifying many aspects of recovery, including issues that arise spirituality in the 12 steps that littlejohn demonstrates drawing on his own personal experiences. This collection includes talks about the 12 steps and buddhism. It is sure to appeal to anyone touched by addiction, including those looking for new ways to understand and work with the triedandtrue 12 step system. A longtime buddhist practitioner and twelve step participant, he is a leader in the mindful recovery movement and one of the founders of the buddhist recovery network.
Buddhism suggests the noble eightfold path, which seeks to cultivate wisdom, ethical conduct, and mental development as a way out of our suffering. If i remember correctly, his higher power was simply trust. This book is an excellent introduction to 12 step and buddhist principles, and an insightful synthesis of the two traditions. Since its publication, kevin has toured extensively, giving workshops and lectures at places. Home read the big book and twelve steps and twelve traditions twelve steps and twelve traditions twelve steps and twelve traditions a cofounder of alcoholics anonymous tells how members recover and how the society functions. The 12 step buddhist by darren littlejohn is one of our groups guiding book. Buddhism and the twelve steps by griffin, kevin isbn. This was a deliberate decision made by the early members of the group in order to ensure the program reached as many people as possible. Twelve steps and twelve traditions, aa general services, 1981. Kevin griffin is the author of one breath at a time. Our 12 step group applies buddhist principles to recovery. Buddhist recovery network coronavirus note due to the covid19 pandemic, inperson meetings may have been canceled or moved online.
What would the buddha say to an alcoholic or addict. The story of buddhism begins with the personal journey of a man, siddhartha guatama who sought to find freedom from the bondage of human suffering. The author describes her own journey of recovery from alcoholism an astonishing passage through strange and frightening. Integrating buddhism and the 12 steps foundations recovery. Coming to this book with any level of buddhist practice, or none at all, the reader will quickly see how kevin griffin demonstrates how the 12steps are comingled with buddhist practice and how buddhist practice reveals itself in. These types of principles that are inherent and because it says in the aa 12steps, we practice these principles in. Many of the talks are by judith ragir, a zen teacher from minnesota who studied with dainin katagiri roshi for many years and who has been in recovery for over 40 years. Youve mentioned this a couple times, you wrote a book, 12step buddhism. Using the 12step program if youre a buddhist thubten chodron. This is a very wise and practical book that transcends both buddhism and the 12steps. Weaving together the teachings and practices offered to us by the buddha with the teachings and practices of the 12step program is a brilliant move, that she has rendered with utmost integrity and wisdom. However as a newcomer to buddhism with a few years recovery, i found the first half of his book too esoteric and confusing at times with his discussion of the steps, buddhism, relapse, therapy, dual diagnosis and medication in recovery. The book takes us on a journey through the steps, examining critical twelve step ideas like powerlessness, higher power, and moral inventory. This book is a powerful and enriching synthesis of the 12 step recovery programs and the noble eightfold path of buddhism.
Buddhism and the twelve steps has established itself as a classic, a bellwether of the most significant recovery movement of the 21st century, combining buddhist mindfulness practices with a 12step recovery program. Jul 16, 2014 three of the more popular ones include kevin griffins work, one breath at a time. In examining the relationship of buddhism and the steps. Buddhism and the 12 steps ecumenical buddhist society of little. A buddhists insight into the 12 steps of recovery the. Read download the 12 step buddhist pdf pdf download. Three of the more popular ones include kevin griffins work, one breath at a time. He explains buddhist meditation and the buddhist eightfold path as it parallels the twelve step path. Buddhism and the twelve steps has established itself as a.
Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. We cant escape it or avoid it, and we cant control it. Since its publication, kevin has toured extensively, giving workshops and lectures at places as diverse as harlem, the colorado rockies, and hawaii. Finding forgiveness and selfrespect by working steps 810 12 smart things to do when the booze and drugs are gone. Perhaps one impetus some readers might have for having picked this book is no doubt its approach to the 12step program that does not make use of a concept of god buddhists are not obligated to believe in god. We admitted that we were powerless over our craving and addiction and that our lives have become unmanageable. In a wise, honest and personal way, kevin griffin has written a book that will be truly helpful to buddhist practitioners and the twelve step community alike. Author darren littlejohn has been there and back, and presents. Both the 12 steps and buddhism are practices that deal with addiction and craving as the cause of our suffering and prescribe proven methods of recovery. Steps, examining critical twelve step ideas like powerlessness, higher power, and moral inventory through the lens of buddhism. Buddhism and the 12 steps ecumenical buddhist society of. Mindfulness, 12 steps, buddhism, nonduality, and centering prayer.
The author describes her own journey of recovery from alcoholism an astonishing passage through strange and frightening territory and marks out the path that allowed her to emerge from that darkness as a wise and compassionate person. And a third is therese jacobsstewarts book, mindfulness and the 12 steps. More importantly, littlejohn emphasizes the importance of following the 12steps, incorporating both the steps and the practice of. Alcoholics anonymous the big book, 4 th edition, aa general services, 2001. And a third is therese jacobsstewarts book, mindfulness and the 12 steps, published in 2010. A buddhist path to recovering from addiction by noah levine is very helpful. I actually got this book by mistake, i thought i was getting a book on the 12 steps but i had no idea that this book was directly related to buddhism. The 12 step principles and techniques he teaches are based on tibetan vajrayana buddhism. A recovering addict and a practitioner of zen and tibetan buddhism, as well as a former mental health specialist, he earned a ba in psych in 1991 and worked. Meditation teacher and author griffin discovered that his buddhist practice deepened as a result of the 12step program that freed him from addiction. Coming to this book with any level of buddhist practice, or none at all, the reader. The 12 steps and buddhism go handinhand for peaceful recovery.
The 12step principles and techniques he teaches are based on tibetan vajrayana buddhism. The law of karma refers to the relationship between actions and their results, to the idea that taking skillful or wise action will bring about positive results. The essential guide to the 12steps of alcoholic anonymous, originally published in 1939. Mar 15, 2006 12 steps on buddhas path is an inspiring firsthand account of what happens when life seems hopeless and the miracle of finding out that its anything but. Choosing emotional sobriety through selfawareness and right action. Previous books include the power of now eckhart tolle, recovering joy, one breath at a time. Those who regularly attend sobriety meetings have often studied the 12 steps and buddhism together, and their collective experience as a. Two years and then some of nearly daily use, popping white crosses and other street junk to keep going, working three jobs to make grades and tuition and rent. The buddha said that the cause of suffering is desire, and the twelve steps try to heal people from desire gone mad.
His journey led him to discover nirvana or an enlightened state. The author, a buddhist meditation teacher and longtime twelve step practitioner, weaves his personal story of recovery with traditional buddhist teachings. So initially i was a little disappointed, but it was actually a really good mistake, i guess god knows why everything in life happens for a reason. Anyone curious about the overlap between buddhism and aa will find it and maybe his website of interest. A buddhists version of the 12 steps april 17, 2015 jenn coughlin 12 steps, addiction.
This book is an excellent introduction to 12step and buddhist principles, and an insightful synthesis of the two traditions. It is not really my impetus for reading the book, however. This meditation and discussion group is intended for those who are interested in sharing their personal recovery experience within a peerled recovery community. Buddhism and the 12 steps both buddhist practice and 12step programs encourage followers to have faith in their own experience. Mar 08, 2017 this is the audio version of a story written by roger c. Bill wilson, the founder of aa began the same quest from a different life experience. Recommended reading 12 steps of recovery and buddhism. This is the audio version of a story written by roger c. After having read many self help book, as a substance abuse counselor, i have recommended this book to many clients. The 12step buddhist does an excellent job identifying many aspects of recovery, including issues that arise spirituality in the 12 steps that littlejohn demonstrates drawing on his own personal experiences. What makes buddhism and the twelve steps so compatible.
Many in recovery turn to the twelve steps to overcome their addictions, but struggle with the spiritual program. That astonishing number suggests a need for books such as this, written by recovering drug and alcohol addict littlejohn, who is also a student of buddhism. Mindful recovery today shares resources for those affected by addictions of all kinds. Made a decision to go for refuge to this other power as we understood it. Darren littlejohns 12step buddhist is a buddhist interpretation and guide for the 12step programs variously associated with the different anonymous organizations alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, overeaters anonymous. Kevin griffin is the author of one breath at a time, recovering joy, and a burning desire. A recovery workbook for individuals and groups kevin griffin the entire book addresses each of the 12 steps in relation to buddhism, much like the article, while suggesting relevant practices. The way i do that is to basically strip out the principles of the 12steps such as forgiveness and compassion. These types of principles that are inherent and because it says in the aa 12steps, we practice these principles in all of our affairs. Buddhism and the twelve steps has established itself as a classic, a bellwether of the most significant recovery movement of the 21st century, combining buddhist mindfulness practices with a 12 step recovery program. He is the author of this book that can enhance recovery from any addiction. The buddha taught in the first and second noble truth that life is permeated with suffering and that ignorance, delusion, and craving are the cause of our suffering.
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